
Epoxy Crack Injection

Sikadur 752

Sikadur 752 is solvent-free, 2-component super low viscosity liquid, based on high strength epoxy resins. Specially for injecting into cavities and cracks in concrete. To fill and seal cavities and crack in structural concrete such as columns, beams, foundations, decks and water retaining structure.

Conbextra EP10 TG

Conbextra EP10TG is a solvent free epoxy resin grout designed for grouting of gap widths of 0.25 – 10 mm. It is an all liquid system consisting of base and hardener. The components are supplied in the correct mix proportions designed for whole pack mixing on site.

Epojet LV

Epojet LV is 2-component epoxy resin, with very low viscosity for injection in microcracks.


Belleza BSA 1st Floor Unit 106,
Jl. Letjen Soepeno RT.004 RW.002, Kel. Grogol Utara,
Kec. Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta 12210

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